A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby
ruby写的自动化集群部署工具,官网:http://www.capistranorb.com/ 源码: https://github.com/capistrano/
说到ssh ,就有必要聊到shell的几种模式: non-login login non-interactive interactive,区别可以google下。capi默认是non-login,non-interactive。原因也提到了,这样会少加载很多不必要的服务器的环境变量,而且也是减少会服务器端环境配置的影响。
创建一个目录,cd至目录执行capify . 就会完成工具的初始化。
- 1. cap deploy:setup #在服务器创建必要的目录,用来存放每次的release记录等
- 2. cap deploy:check #检查一些目录是否存在
- 3. cap deploy #deploy入口
- deploy:update #
- deploy:update_code #
- strategy.deploy! #根据参数更新代码,保存release
- deploy:finallize_update #更新文档的时间等
- deploy:create_synlink #将current目录ln至最新的release
- deploy:restart #重启服务
- admin@ubuntu:~/capistrano/dea$ cap deploy
- triggering load callbacks
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:40 executing `development’
- triggering start callbacks for `deploy’
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:40 executing `multistage:ensure’
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:40 executing `deploy’
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:40 executing `deploy:update’
- ** transaction: start
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:40 executing `deploy:update_code’
- updating the cached checkout on all servers
- executing locally: “git ls-remote https://code.jd.com/dea_v2 master”
- command finished in 688ms
- * executing “if [ -d /tmp/jae/dea/shared/cached-copy ]; then cd /tmp/jae/dea/shared/cached-copy && git fetch -q origin && git fetch –tags -q origin && git reset -q –hard 08a647586cf4285019ced6ebde34d427ff65214a && git submodule -q init && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$([ ! \”`git –version`\” \\< \”git version 1.6.5\” ] && echo –recursive) && git submodule -q update –init $GIT_RECURSIVE && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone -q -b master https://code.jd.com/dea_v2 /tmp/jae/dea/shared/cached-copy && cd /tmp/jae/dea/shared/cached-copy && git checkout -q -b deploy 08a647586cf4285019ced6ebde34d427ff65214a && git submodule -q init && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$([ ! \”`git –version`\” \\< \”git version 1.6.5\” ] && echo –recursive) && git submodule -q update –init $GIT_RECURSIVE; fi”
- servers: [“”]
- Password:
- command finished in 1778ms
- copying the cached version to /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846
- * executing “cp -RPp /tmp/jae/dea/shared/cached-copy /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846 && (echo 08a647586cf4285019ced6ebde34d427ff65214a > /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/REVISION)”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 88ms
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:46 executing `deploy:finalize_update’
- * executing “chmod -R — g+w /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846 && rm -rf — /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/public/system && mkdir -p — /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/public/ && ln -s — /tmp/jae/dea/shared/system /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/public/system && rm -rf — /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/log && ln -s — /tmp/jae/dea/shared/log /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/log && rm -rf — /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/tmp/pids && mkdir -p — /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/tmp/ && ln -s — /tmp/jae/dea/shared/pids /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846/tmp/pids”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 21ms
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:46 executing `deploy:create_symlink’
- * executing “rm -f /tmp/jae/dea/current && ln -s /tmp/jae/dea/releases/20131014095846 /tmp/jae/dea/current”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 8ms
- triggering after callbacks for `deploy:create_symlink’
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:46 executing `deploy:bundle_install’
- Are you sure to bundle install (y):
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:49 executing `deploy:link_config_file’
- * executing “cd /tmp/jae/dea/current && rm config/dea.yml && ln -s /tmp/jae/dea/config/dea.yml config/dea.yml”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 9ms
- ** transaction: commit
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:49 executing `deploy:restart’
- Are you sure to restart dea(y): y
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:51 executing `deploy:stop’
- * executing “sudo -p ‘sudo password: ‘ kill -9 `cat /tmp/dea_ng.pid`”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 14ms
- * 2013-10-14 17:58:53 executing `deploy:start’
- * executing “sudo -p ‘sudo password: ‘ nohup /tmp/jae/dea/current/bin/dea /tmp/jae/dea/current/config/dea.yml >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 &\\\n sleep 3”
- servers: [“”]
- [] executing command
- command finished in 3009ms
- #require ‘bundler/capistrano’ #添加之后部署时会调用bundle install, 如果不需要就可以注释掉
- require “capistrano/ext/multistage” #多stage部署所需
- set :stages, [“development”,”part1″, “part2″,”part3”] #利用stage将dea分为三个部分来操作,避免全部dea同时重启造成的服务不可用
- set :default_stage, “development” #测试环境
- set :application, “dea” #应用名称
- set :scm,:git
- set :repository, “https://code.jd.com/dea_v2”
- set :branch,”master”
- set :git_enable_submodules,1 #有子模块,要加上这个配置
- set :git_enable_recursion,1 #有多重子模块
- set :keep_releases, 5 #只保留5个备份
- set :deploy_to, “/tmp/jae/#{application}” #部署到远程机器的路径
- set :user, “admin” #登录部署机器的用户名
- default_run_options[:pty] = true #pty: 伪登录设备
- #default_run_options[:shell] = false #Disable sh wrapping
- set :normalize_asset_timestamps, false
- set :deploy_via, “remote_cache” #本地cache,第一次全量,后面git pull就是增量了
- set :default_environment,{ #环境变量,以key value的方式写上,因为non-login的关系,默认为会载入系统的环境变量
- “GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY” => ‘1’
- }
- set :use_sudo, false #执行的命令中含有sudo, 如果设为false, 用户所有操作都有权限
- set :runner, “admin” #以admin用户启动服务
- set :config_file, “dea.yml”
- namespace :deploy do
- after “deploy:create_symlink” , “deploy:bundle_install”
- after “deploy:create_symlink”,”deploy:link_config_file”
- #由于每个服务器的配置文件不一样,dea没有跟rails一样,在一个config中写上不同环境的值。这里的解决办法是每个dea的配置文件只保存在本地,
- #存放在#{deploy_to}/config/dea.yml,部署的时候用软链接
- desc “config file is unique on each server,we store it on deploy_to/config/xx.yml,use link to make it work”
- task :link_config_file,roles => :app do
- run “cd #{deploy_to}/current && rm config/#{config_file} && ln -s #{deploy_to}/config/#{config_file} config/#{config_file} “
- end
- #不是每次部署都要bundle install,之所以不用capistrano/bundle,它会将gem安装在其它地方,破坏了原来工程的和谐
- desc “it’s optional to bundle install everytime,unless modify the Gemfile etc.”
- task :bundle_install, roles => :app do
- answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(“Are you sure to bundle install (y): “)
- if answer == “y”
- run “cd #{deploy_to}/current && bundle install” do |channel,stream,data|
- if data =~ /password/
- answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(“Enter your password to install the bundled RubyGems to your system: “)
- channel.send_data(answer + “\n”)
- else
- # allow the default callback to be processed
- Capistrano::Configuration.default_io_proc.call(channel, stream, data)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- desc “start the dea server,exclude dir server and warden”
- task :start,roles => :app do
- sudo <<-EOC
- nohup #{deploy_to}/current/bin/dea #{deploy_to}/current/config/dea.yml >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 &
- sleep 3
- end
- #
- desc “stop the dea server”
- task :stop,roles => :app do
- sudo “kill -9 `cat /tmp/dea_ng.pid`”
- end
- #
- desc “restart dea”
- task :restart ,roles => :app do
- answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(“Are you sure to restart dea(y): “)
- if answer==”y”
- deploy.stop
- sleep 2
- deploy.start
- end
- end
- #up and donw dir server
- #up and donw warden
- desc “migrate do nothing here”
- task :migrate, roles => :app do
- end
- end
如果想用 stage(即多个环境),可以在config文件夹下,再创建一个目录”deploy”,deploy下创建与stage同名的文件,如part1.rb,part2.rb。如dea,我的part1.rb其实只指定了一组服务器ip
1. 服务器端的交互,capi提供的 sudo或其他方法,只是一次性交互,但如果在执行脚本过程中碰到需要交互的地方,如bundle install 一半要你输入密码。capi客户端也会提示你输密码,但输入后按回车就“卡”住了,没反应,这就是因为non-interactive引起的,capi只管登录–>执行脚本–>等待回显,登出返回,而且每个脚本一个来回。如
这时可以用 channel搞定,我的理解是在同一个session当中,可以实现交互的效果。
- task :bundle_install, roles => :app do
- answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(“Are you sure to bundle install (y): “)
- if answer == “y”
- run “cd #{deploy_to}/current && bundle install” do |channel,stream,data|
- if data =~ /password/
- answer = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask(“Enter your password to install the bundled RubyGems to your system: “)
- channel.send_data(answer + “\n”)
- else
- # allow the default callback to be processed
- Capistrano::Configuration.default_io_proc.call(channel, stream, data)
- end
- end
- end
- end
利用 run的 callback功能。
2. 当服务端有程序需要后台运行,一般的做法是加&就可以了。但是capi不行。必须再加上nohup才行。但是nohup+&在事实证明中也是不靠谱的。再次因为“capi只管登录–>执行脚本–>等待回显,登出返回” 。它执行完 nohup bin/dea config/dea.yml & 后立刻返回,就是登出了,就断了,程序还没来得及提交给后台运行就挂了。所以发必须sleep 几秒,让程序提交后台运行后再登出。
- <pre name=”code” class=”java”>run “(nohup #{deploy_to}/current/bin/dea #{deploy_to}/current/config/dea.yml >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 &) && sleep 3″</pre>
如果用 sudo,把run换成sudo
- sudo “(nohup #{deploy_to}/current/bin/dea #{deploy_to}/current/config/dea.yml >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 &) && sleep 3”
- executing “sudo -p ‘sudo password: ‘ (nohup /export/servers/jae/dea/current/bin/dea /export/servers/jae/dea/current/config/dea.yml >/dev/null < /dev/null 2>&1 &) && sleep 3”
一个方法是写个shell文件,sudo 去执行shell文件,没有试过,但以下做法的效果是一样的: